My best day Northern Pike fishing ever, at least for numbers of fish. I released at least thirty Pike. No monsters, but three over 30" with two of them on back to back casts!!!
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They would come out of nowhere and T Bone my fly.
Otherwise they were sitting shallow and you could cast right to them. I like this guy, he looks goofy.
Can you see it? This pike smashed my fly off the bottom after I laid it right in front of him!
I had to operate on most to get my fly back.
Speaking of flies, here it is. Rainbow Deceiver. Fish would stop hitting it once the eyes fell off. I did mess around with other patterns, but this one is mostly hook which is a good thing!
This is my biggest Pike this year. 35" out of Harvey Gap.
I'm pretty sure this is my biggest Pike... no measurement.
This one made it into the Umpqua catalog.
BONUS another Tiger Musky. Thanks for reading.