Friday, April 28, 2017

Harvey Gap 4/27

Vail Mountain has closed and of course it has not stopped snowing since. Time for some fishing. Some of you might not know of my exploits to catch a tiger muskie here in Colorado. I have tried unsuccessfully around fifteen times. I am Captain Ahab and Esox Masquinongy * Lucius is my Moby Dick. I've been studying moon phases and water temps. If I could catch one I'd shove a thermometer up it's ass, but I can't get one to visit my net. Today would be no different as I came in contact with a few toothy critters, but landed none. I had abrasions on my flouro leader and one clean bite off, but could not tell if they were caused by pike or muskie. Either way a doughnut. I did manage a couple hefty small mouth, nothing to scoff at. Tiger Muskie....AAARRGGHHH!

Sunday, April 2, 2017


The sucker fishing has been on fire. I keep what I can for laker bait, and tossing the rest to the raccoons.  All creatures deserve respect, but these things are becoming an invasive species. Shame, 15$ a pop for live suckers in Wisconsin. MUSKY BAIT!!!