Friday, November 17, 2017

Winter Is Here

The guiding season is winding down, I am still at it a few days a week, but it's time to start writing some more. I have lots to write about; famous peeps, saving someones life, and more. I'll start you out however with a little video of my wife showing how it's done.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Finally, I got a Tiger Musky here in Colorado. After at least a dozen attempts at Harvey Gap and Clear Creek Reservoir the Gap produced. I know he's just a little feller, but an accomplishment none the less. I actually caught him off a stand up paddle board. Can't say it was amazing angling. I was about to blow onto shore and I flipped my large black bunny strip to the side of my board with my left hand so I could paddle with my right. (I'm right handed). Out of the corner of my eye I saw the Musky sitting there with my fly in its' mouth. All I had to do was jerk the rod. I couldn't strip because the paddle was in my other hand. Luckily I'm ambidextrous, and only had ten feet of line out. I missed two other strikes, couldn't tell if they were Skies or Pike. I was able to put together a pattern though. Fish were holding on wind blown banks with submerged vegetation. To get bit the fly had to be held stationary for a few seconds. My wife and I had celebratory cheese burgers at the new Culvers in Glenwood Springs afterwards... Delicious. My next goal is a big Tiger Musky out of CCR. Wish me luck, the first one only took three years.

       It's a sad thing the state is going to drain Harvey Gap, destroying all fish. Saving the native species in the Colorado River seems a bit fishy to me. Politics! If anyone knows who to contact so I can file a grievance please share.

      On a side note, the Crappie fishing has been great at The Gypsum Ponds. I know there are Smallmouth Bass in there too. The State better do something about that.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Rocky Mountain Arsenal

I had a good day at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal. RMA, as it's known to the locals,was once a weapons manufacturer located in North Denver. It is now a wildlife refuge home to Buffalo, Black Footed Ferrets, and numerous waterfowl. The Arsenal also provides great fishing for Pike, Bass, Crappie, and Channel Cats. Public access is limited to three days a week, and fishing is restricted to artificials and single barbless hooks. Not a problem for fly fisherman. In fact on this day fly guys put a whooping on spinners. I only saw one Pike caught on a spin rod, while myself and another fly fisherman landed eight. Actually I caught seven and the other guy snuck in next to me and landed one. Felt pretty good considering there was about a dozen guys fishing. Well deserved after my musky misadventures.

This one was the biggest. A nice gentleman fishing next to me was kind enough to take a pic.

This is the nice gentleman who's name is Chuck. That is also Chucks' thumb in both shots

This is the other fly guy that snuck in next to me. The place was crawling with anglers. One of them said  that it's usually more crowded.

I was using a white fly and a 50 # fluorocarbon leader. I got bit off on 20 #

My trick was to make a long cast and let it sink. Then I would strip and twitch.

This one was kind of snaky, but I thought he looked tough.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Harvey Gap 4/27

Vail Mountain has closed and of course it has not stopped snowing since. Time for some fishing. Some of you might not know of my exploits to catch a tiger muskie here in Colorado. I have tried unsuccessfully around fifteen times. I am Captain Ahab and Esox Masquinongy * Lucius is my Moby Dick. I've been studying moon phases and water temps. If I could catch one I'd shove a thermometer up it's ass, but I can't get one to visit my net. Today would be no different as I came in contact with a few toothy critters, but landed none. I had abrasions on my flouro leader and one clean bite off, but could not tell if they were caused by pike or muskie. Either way a doughnut. I did manage a couple hefty small mouth, nothing to scoff at. Tiger Muskie....AAARRGGHHH!

Sunday, April 2, 2017


The sucker fishing has been on fire. I keep what I can for laker bait, and tossing the rest to the raccoons.  All creatures deserve respect, but these things are becoming an invasive species. Shame, 15$ a pop for live suckers in Wisconsin. MUSKY BAIT!!!