Wow 2,000 people actually viewed my blog. I know that's not that many, but I haven't even figured out my followers page yet. I'm sure I don't have 2,000 friends so that means random people must be just checking my stuff out. I hope more people check my stuff out... I hope millions of people check my stuff out and I make millions of dollars. I hope I revolutionize fly fishing, save the world from useless politics, and end world hunger. Well, maybe I'm getting ahead of myself. I've made around $1.50 with AdSense so far witch might buy a hungry kid a cheeseburger. Either way I'd like to thank all the Dead Pike Fly Fishing Fluff Chuckers who Chase Tail and think being an Average Zero is a Way of Life. I would like to thank the fish and our ability to think, dream, and scheme of ways to catch them. I'd also like to thank my wife, who can stroke fish (and other things), my daughter who would like to catch fish but can only manage to fall in the water (she even fell in an ice fishing hole), my dad who stuck me in the back of the boat, my mom who had me, my sisters for feeding me worms, Eagle Claw for making hooks (maybe they'll send me some free ones), Sage (again maybe free stuff), and our lord savior mother nature for making fish.... OK getting ahead of myself again.
What's a blog without a pic, so this is why trout suck and toothys are awesome. |