Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Family Vacation and Colorado Fun

Had family visit recently.
My sister Amy and her husband Joe.



Our daughter MooMoo

The Captain

Fun Fun Fun

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Here Fishy Fishy

I often think that when you talk to the fish they answer. Sometimes I talk with my mouth and other times with my fly rod. When using ones mouth I'm not quite sure if the fish hear you, but it keeps you occupied and concentrating on your fishing.  I like saying things like "I just want to look at you" or "I'm gonna let you go". My clients always mess it up though. They say things like "Give me the biggest rainbow trout ever!!!" then they catch a whitefish by snagging it in the rear end... Just know if you ever here me praying to the fish it's becoming a rough day. When I talk to the fish with my fly rod it's magic. Fishing dry flies I can preform the swinging stonefly struggle, the skitter drop caddis hop, and the mega mend turn your mayfly around. I can wiggle a nymph like it's nobodies business. I'm a jerk jerk jerk pause with the buggers and you can take that to the bank.

This is one of my best clients taking his son fishing.
All dads should do that.
This couple fished through a rain/hailstorm. Grey mud was floating in from the left, red mud from the right. There was floating islands of pine needles, and they still caught fish.

Two brothers stoking it.