Saturday, May 28, 2011

Back At It

It's great to be back in Colorado and working again. The water is high and rising so I've been going to Homestake Creek. It is a tailwater that's not affected as much by the spring runoff.


Small steam small fish

It's pretty though

Check out this group

She was stoked to catch a stick

One of my friends had his parents in town, congrats Scott and Kristen, so I took his dad fishing. We decided to try the Eagle River, high water and all, and it was good. We easily landed 20 fish in a couple of hours. We had to move around to find fishable water, but when we did the trout were easily nymphed up with San Juan Worms and bead headed nymphs.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When the Going Gets Tough the Tough Go Carp Fishing

Just got back from vacation. The family went to Myrtle Beach for a week, then back to the home land, Wisconsin, for a few days. I didn't get to much time to fish, and what I did wasn't all that productive. It was a cold spring and the toothy's seemed to be on a spawning hangover. I did manage a few pike that I'm almost embarrassed to post the pics of, but when the going gets tough the tough go carp fishing. Lac LaBelle in Oconomocowoc proved a great fly fishing play ground for the fresh water bones. Carp are challenging and rewarding. Sometimes I could drop a black bugger an inch from their fat lips and they'd suck it right up, other times I'd spook a whole pack just by looking at them. On one such occasion I stripped my bugger through the tail end of a spooked pack of carp. I'm sure the fish' in the back of the herd had no idea why they were on the move again. Infact they where probably discussing what a nice day it was when my fly came scooting by and a goofy fellow gobbled it up.When I did hook up the beasts would drag my boat around slamming my boat into boat docks trying to flee underneath, but my six weight Sage with 25 pound flouro held up. I still love the toothy mouths, but some rubber lips ain't so bad once in a while.

What the #$&!?

I roll with Rayovac as always

My Pops likes the Toothy's too

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's A Dangerous Game We Play

Found these bear tracks on my way to a fishing hole the other day. I saw the tracks going straight when I hung a left down to the river. Parting ways didn't make me feel any better while fishing however. Fresh snow chunks kept falling through the tree branches making the hair stand up on the back of my neck. It's hard to catch fish when your looking the wrong way. Oh yeah I had to dodge falling rocks on the way. Just another day on the water.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Catch A Fish For 1 Penny

Since I'm so into saving money these days I designed the cheapest lure ever, it costs just one penny. In fact it is a penny. I put it on my fly rod for just 5 minuets and had three strikes and a bunch of follows. I might splurge and try a nickle or dime next.